The MSU China Programs Endowed Fund was established in November of 2008. The purpose of the Fund is to provide resources for Michigan State University's China related programs, students, scholars, exchange, and administrative support for the MSU Office of China Programs to fulfill its mission.
Endowments provide a steady, consistent and permanent source of income. Endowed funds differ from others in that the total amount of the gift is invested. Each year, only a portion of the invested income earned is spent while the remainder adds to principal growth. In this respect, an endowment is a perpetual gift. Always equated with excellence and long-term strength, endowments are absolutely essential if we are to remain leaders in education, research and outreach.
Your contribution to Michigan State University designated for the China Programs Endowment Fund may cost you less than your realize. Contributions to higher education are deductible from you federal income tax when filing the IRS 1040 form and itemizing your deductions.
If you are a Michigan resident, your contribution may also qualify for a tax credit under Michigan income tax laws. Please consult with your persona or corporate tax advisor for specific details about how a gift may affect you.
Gifts to the MSU China Programs Endowment Fund such as life insurance, real and personal property, and bequests and trusts can be attractive alternatives to cash contributions. Deferred gifts secure long-range tax and financial benefits and provide a wide variety of sensible financial planning options. More detailed information is available on a confidential basis by contacting the International Studies and Programs Development Office.
If you would like to support the Office of China Programs through a financial contribution, please visit or send a check to:
International Advancement
125 International Center 427 N. Shaw Lance
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-432-7091
Fax: 517-432-7090
Please make the check payable to “Michigan State University” and be sure to include the name of our office in the memo line of your check. Thank you for considering a gift.