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Inside China

MSU has a long history working with China and seeks to build innovative partnerships with Chinese institutions. More than 300 visits were made to China by MSU faculty in 2018-19 alone.

We are especially proud of the growing alumni base in China. MSU aims to inspire deeper engagement with China and new collaborations that advance knowledge discovery and support the Spartan community in China.

Chinese umbrellasAsia Hub

Building upon its long history of Asian Studies, partnership with many institutions, foundational work by the Office of China Programs, and on-going research collaborations with faculty in many countries in Asia, MSU has entered a new phase of collaboration motion; moving beyond individual effort to a coordinated, leadership and holistic system endeavor, which is required to solve those emerging challenges in the new era of globalization.

Ornate door with carved dragon designMSU-NAU Initiative

As part of the Asia Hub concept and the first OCP initiative of ISP, in collaboration with colleges such as College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR), College of Engineering, College of Social Science (CSS),  College of Osteopathic Medicine (COM), and Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) in China entered a new era of partnership. The MSU-NAU Initiative builds upon existing collaborative relationship, mutual interests, and similar missions and visions of the two institutions. The new initiative entails two major components, a joint research platform for Asia Hub research and a joint effort for undergraduate and graduate education.

Hand holding globeEducation Abroad in China

Michigan State University gives students the opportunity to invest themselves abroad in China to study at the Harbin Institute of Technology - a C9 League University. Study abroad, meet new faces, and explore what the city of Harbin has to offer.